Randy "Ghost”House Engineer


I specialize in Tracking and Mixing
8 Years of
RIAA 2x Platinum
RIAA 2x Gold

Randy "Ghost” Favorites

Favorite Genre: Hip-Hop, R&B
Favorite Artists I've Worked With: Oli Vvv, Beam, G6reddot
Favorite Studio: All of them… SSL room because of the size and equipment. I love the Apollo because I’ve had too many great sessions there. I like the whisper room because everything is in one room and it has more of an intimate setting.

Most Notable Projects Worked On:

Check out some of GeeFlowCL’s greatest work from mixing and mastering to producing and recording.

SpotemGottem - Beatb'ox

Tracking Engineer

Universal Music Group

$not - Fighting Me - 300 ENT

Tracking Engineer

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Weekdays, Weekends, and Holidays

Book a session, schedule a tour, or contact us with any questions you may have and we'll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.